Articles on: Shopping

Do you offer wholesale, bulk, or dealer pricing?

Reseller? We got your back.

Whether you're looking to flip 'em, give 'em away, or throw down an epic fireworks bash for your crew, our Club Red Apple +Ultra Membership is specifically designed to hook up our resellers with our biggest discount and our full suite of membership benefits!

But even without a Club Red Apple +Ultra Membership, you can purchase wholesale fireworks anytime online or instore. Either way, you'll get hooked up with the best quality wholesale fireworks at guaranteed lowest prices.

Tax Exempt Reseller

If you're getting your order shipped or picking it up in person and you pay sales tax during checkout, we got your back. Once we confirm you're a reseller, we'll happily refund that sales tax, no problemo. Just hit us up to get verified. Once you are verified, you will continue to be on tax exempt status as long as you reverify that status each year.

Updated on: 04/23/2024

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