Can I combine or stack coupons, discounts, & gift cards?
Tryinโ to stack discounts? Well, it works sometimes. Discount Codes Order discounts (like your Military Heroes Discount or Club Red Apple Membership Discount, if you're a member) come in the form of Discounts Codes, which cannot be combined or stacked, but may apply to certain items that are already on sale. Gift Cards Gift Card Codes (like you Red Apple Cash Code) can be used in combination with a Discount Code. ExamplesFew readersHow old do I have to be to buy fireworks from you?
Safety first, my friend! To keep things legit and compliant, there's a minimum age requirement for buying fireworks. Whether you're hitting up our store or going online, you gotta be at least 18 years old to make that purchase and light up the night. We take safety seriously, and following the age restrictions helps ensure everyone has a blast responsibly. So remember, 18 is the magic number to get your hands on those fireworks and have an epic celebration. Stay safe and let's make some memorieFew readersWhat payment methods do you accept?
Instore Payment Methods When shopping instore, we accept the following payment methods: Cash U.S. Dollars Credit Cards, Debit Cards Visa, Mastercard, Discover, American Express, JCB, Diner's Club Touchless Apple Pay, Google Pay, Samsung Pay More Time to Pay with Boom Now, Pay Laterโข Options Sezzle's Digital Card option, PayPal's buy now, pay later PayPal *Pahrump, NV location onSome readersIs the checkout process on secure?
Rest assured, we take your online safety seriously! At, we prioritize the security of your personal information during the checkout process. Our commitment to keeping your data safe is unwavering, using top-of-the-line security measures to ensure a secure environment for your transactions. When you make a purchase on our website, you can trust that your sensitive details are fully protected. We employ state-of-the-art encryption technology to safeguard your information froFew readersWhat happens after I place my order for shipping?
Yo, so you're curious about what goes down after you've put in your order? No worries, fam, we got you covered! Bonus Tip: The easiest way to track your order status and stay in the know at any time is to log into your account and hit up your Orders page. Here's the visual: Where is my order? Here's the nerdy deets: 1. Our warehouse crew picks, packs, & wraps. Once that order hits ouPopularDo I need an ID to buy fireworks?
You got it, my friend! At Red Apple, we keep it legit and safe. So when you're buying fireworks, we need you to whip out that government-issued ID to verify your identity and age. It's our way of making sure we're following the rules. So bring along that ID, show us you're of legal age, and let's make sure you're all set to have a blast with our fireworks.Few readersDo I need a permit to buy fireworks?
Well, it all depends on where you're at, my friend! Let's break it down for you: In the cool town of Pahrump, Nevada, things work a little differently. The City of Pahrump requires a fireworks shoot site permit when you snag those fireworks. So when you visit our Pahrump location, you'll need to cough up $5.00 for that permit. But hey, it's all good 'cause that money goes towards keeping the Pahrump Fireworks Shoot Site in top shape. Plus, the permit gets you access to the Shoot Site to safelyFew readersWhy aren't my account email address and password working at login?
Can't log in, huh? ๐ Here's the scoop: we've recently upgraded our tech game, making our website better than ever! ๐ But, you'll need to create a new account on our updated site. Unfortunately, your old account details like order history and wish lists didn't make the transition. Sorry about that! ๐ Don't worry though! Just hit us up and we may be able to retrieve your order history for you! ๐ต๏ธโโ๏ธFew readers